exhibition 5

Connecting Coordinates: Points, Lines, and Planes
New Constructions from Sonjie Feliciano Solomon

Opening Reception: June 4, Wednesday, 6-8pm

On View: June 4-June 30, 2008

We are pleased to present Connecting Coordinates: Points, Lines and Planes: New Constructions from Sonjie Feliciano Solomon.
The exhibition includes a large-scale, site-specific, collapsible textile sculpture and low-relief wall pieces all rooted in the universal language of geometry.

Sonjie Feliciano Solomon's sculptural textile pieces are an exercise in balancing aesthetics and functionality. Here, sheer fabric is pieced together to create 3-dimentional quilts of soft, rolling landscapes. Composed only of fabric and thread, the structure comes from the sewn seams, and the pieces are collapsible for storage or shipping. Totally flexible and scalable in size, there is the potential to quickly change an environment and fill a whole space in minutes.

Feliciano Solomon's wall pieces, a series of curved transparent lines, are mounted on mirrored backgrounds and come together to form delicate, gossamer volumes. Reflection of the surrounding environment completes the illusion of shapes floating in air. Reflection of the viewer reminds us that the individual’s perception is integral to the completion of the piece in the mind’s eye.

Sonjie Feliciano Solomon uses industrial design principles and tools to manipulate and map points. She employs painstaking, repetitive hand construction and finishing to complete each piece. Combining the worlds of design and craft, Feliciano Solomon’s work juxtaposes the systematic, calculated design process and the organic, ephemeral result.

Feliciano Solomon’s intention is for the work to speak to people first based purely on visual perception and then progress to a curiosity about deconstructing the process. Ephemerality and transformation, light and shadow, structure and collapsibility, the designed and the organic are all qualities investigated in ways to surprise and delight the viewer.

A graduate of the Rhode Island School of Design and Georgetown University, Sonjie Feliciano Solomon now lives and works in Brooklyn, New York.